Project leader
Anna Navarro and Nuri Bordas, Som-Inn Port innovation agents and members of the Information Systems Department of Tarragona Port Authority.
Project description
Establish a new port model, World Friendly/Port, which accelerates the fulfilment of the different sustainable development objectives of the 2030 Agenda, and the entry into the fourth industrial revolution in ports, and serves as a common framework for unifying criteria and analyzing their development at the global level. A WFriendly/Port index that indicates the level of model compliance on the ports will be defined, offering data and information linked to WFriendly. A web application will be developed for dissemination and marketing. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence will be used to apply the WFriendly model and index on a large scale, so that large volumes of information from different sources can be analyzed and processed.
The port model of the future will be based on three axes:
– Earth friendly/: It will indicate how a port is located in terms of protection of natural resources, the use of renewable and clean energies and the impact it has on its environment.
– Digital friendly/: It will help to know how ports apply digital transformation and innovation to improve their processes and their use of new technologies for operational improvement and efficiency.
– People friendly/: It is the social axis that will show how ports focus on improving the quality of life of people, both in the port community and in the people who live around the port.
The seed of the world friendly/port germinated during the Som-Inn Port’s first open innovation pilot cycle, held between 2018 and 2019.
This idea has recently been selected in the section intra entrepreneurship of Ports 4.0, and will receive an aid consisting of the possibility of accessing the incubation services of the idea or advice to facilitate it’s business growth, established in the territorial headquarters of the incubator-accelerator associated with the Entrepreneurship Impulse Plan for Innovation in the port sector “Ports 4.0” and the amount of fifteen thousand euros to carry out the proof of concept.
The proof of concept will take place over a period of six months.
Project objectives
World Friendly/Port wants to define a common criteria that will help ports and logistic port communities to know the most important elements for the future of ports, a new port model to consider to comply with the 2030 Agenda and enter the fourth industrial revolution. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda indicate key aspects that all individuals and organizations must meet to live in a better world. However, these targets must be landed for ports and adapted for each port type.
Expected benefits of innovation
Project information links
April 19th 2021
Contacta amb nosaltres
+34 977 259 400
Passeig de l'Escullera, s/n,
43004 Tarragona
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