Starting point for the Port of Tarragona’s open innovation cycle

This Friday, September 28th, will see the start of the Port of Tarragona’s open innovation cycle, with the 2nd Som-Inn Port Agora, the Port of Tarragona’s Open Innovation Ecosystem. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Som-Inn Port background

During the first half of 2018, the Tarragona Port Authority took on the task of designing what would end up being Som-Inn Port, establishing:

  • Its strategic goals
  • Organisational model, management tools and key players that are participating.
  • Open innovation tools and process.
  • Elements for generating innovation culture and communication throughout the process (branding, digital media, and other key elements for managing the community).

Thus, during the second half of July, Som-Inn Port was able to carry out its first Commission of innovation and hold the first Innovation Ecosystem Agora, in which they identified the potential innovation challenges to be dealt with during this last quarter of 2018, in an initial pilot innovation cycle.

Start of the innovation cycle

Now, having returned from the summer holidays, the Innovation Agents from the different entities that make up Som-Inn Port are back to launch the innovation cycle, which will be based on two key agile methods for innovating in the Innovation Society, Design Thinking, for generating solutions based on empathy with the user, and Google’s Design Sprint, for prototyping solutions with the end user.

Agile methodologies are key to innovating quickly, by validating the resolving of the user’s actual needs, and at a low cost for the innovators.The aim is that, by the end of the year, the innovation cells (teams of innovation agents from the different entities that make up Som-Inn Port) will have developed prototypes validated with the user, that will in time resolve the real and latent needs that the Innovation Ecosystem has identified as being of key importance from the user’s point of view.

New features in Som-Inn Port’s Innovation Ecosystem

During these last few weeks the following have been incorporated into Som-Inn Port: ASFAC, Tarragona Harbourmaster and ACCIÓ, with which there are already 27 members of this innovation ecosystem. With these entities there are a total of 43 Innovation Agents to date. In addition, September 25th saw the second meeting of the Innovation Commission that validated all the content that will be proposed at the next meeting of the Agora, on September 28th, in order to be finally approved.

In short, all this opens the way for an exciting process of open innovation, which should allow the Port of Tarragona’s Port Community to attain new levels in terms of innovation in the Port of Tarragona’s processes, services and business models. A great opportunity!

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