The TPA already has the first Innovation Agents who have expressed their willingness to participate in Som-Inn Port and at the same time have been designated by their Directors/Heads of Department. The innovation agents are one of the key figures of the Port of Tarragona’s innovation ecosystem, in order to ensure the creation of a culture of innovation among all the organisations participating.
The TPA’s Department of Studies and Innovation, aware of the need to overcome the dilemma of the innovator’s aim to introduce innovation into organisations successfully, has striven in recent weeks to involve those most motivated professionals into achieving new goals and reaching new horizons.
After holding 14 departmental meetings, where we explained the proposal for open innovation to be carried out with Som-Inn Port, the Port of Tarragona’s Innovation Ecosystem, and where we have also been able to collect the proposals made by Tarragona Port Authority’s employees and collaborators, there are currently 15 TPA colleagues participating directly in Som-Inn Port.
Departmental Som-Inn Port presentations in the TPA
Last Tuesday, May 29th we held the first meeting, where the innovation agents received introductory training in innovation, provided by consultants from Induct, as well as an initial introduction to key aspects of the Innovation Ecosystem, such as:
We would like to take the opportunity to thank the TPA’s first Innovation Agents for their motivation, their enthusiasm and their willingness to embark on this new journey.
SOM-INN PORT’s Innovation Agents session
We know, as Induct reminds us, that embracing open innovation successfully calls for innovative leaders and with their commitment the innovation agents are demonstrating leadership by their participatory and collaborative attitude.
At the moment, Som-Inn Port is adding new members to its Ecosystem and with them, new innovation agents, in this case from outside the TPA, are being added to the community. We will shortly have new news about them on the blog.
We are innovation. We are the Port of Tarragona. Would you like to innovate with us? Contact us by using the form on the Som-Inn Port website.
Meanwhile, “Som-Inn!!”
Contacta amb nosaltres
+34 977 259 400
Passeig de l'Escullera, s/n,
43004 Tarragona
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