ADIF has been organizing Contests of Participation and Value Creation for its staff for several years.
This year ADIF invited Carme Tarragó, Head of the Studies and Innovation Department, to participate, representing Som-Inn Port and the TPA, as one of the four members of the external jury for qualifying the final projects of the VIII Contest of Participation and Value Creation.
This Contest promotes internal entrepreneurship within the company and aims to bring together the talent and accumulated knowledge of employees.
During the month of August, the four members of this jury were in charge of individually evaluating the 8 final innovation projects (2 projects for each of the 4 categories of the contest, according to the EFQM Model: Results in Clients, Results in People, Results in the Company and Key Outcomes).
At the beginning of September, the members of the jury held, at the ADIF headquarters, a consensus meeting of the evaluations carried out, from which the winning projects were established.
Subsequently, ADIF organized a recognition event for the winners of the seventh and eighth Participation and Value Creation Contests, which took place on 30 October, in the unbeatable setting of the old Delícias Station, where the Railway Museum is located.
Recognition event for the winners of the seventh and eighth Participation and Value Creation Contests of ADIF
The event was chaired by Isabel Pardo de Vera Posada, President of ADIF, accompanied by the different General Managers of the company.
The President of ADIF congratulated the winners and all the participants of the two contests. She also thanked the work carried out by the members of the jury. She highlighted the potential of the company’s staff, given the high number of participating teams that, through open innovation, presented a large number of innovation projects, most of which are already implemented or are in implementation phase. She also encouraged to continue with this line of boosting creativity among the staff. Therefore, she announced the start of the new contest which has a more innovative format.
Intervention by the President of ADIF
During the event, a round table was held, moderated by Elena Moral Grande, Director of Project Execution of TALGO and who is also attributed the WICE Award 2019 for the European Female Railway Engineer.
During this round table, the strategy of the participating organizations in issues related to internal entrepreneurship and open innovation and their results was discussed. Carme Tarragó explained the initiative of Som-Inn Port and the results obtained during the first year of activity through the open innovation pilot cycle.
In this round table the participants were:
Participants of the Round Table
To end the event, the various ADIF General Managers gave the 9 prizes to the 51 members of the winning teams.
Some winners of the two Contests
Some winners of the two Contests
Some antique trains at the Railway Museum
Some antique trains at the Railway Museum
19 December 2019
Studies and Innovation Department
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