Taller de creativitat a Som-Inn Port

Som-Inn Port gets to the creativity phase

The creativity phase has arrived at Som-Inn Port, the Port of Tarragona’s Innovation Ecosystem, which currently brings together twenty-nine member entities  and two collaborating entities interested in innovating collaboratively in the Port of Tarragona’s processes, services and business models. Thus continues the open innovation pilot cycle, based on the agile methodologies of Design Thinking and Design Sprint. There are now 44 innovation agents taking part voluntarily in the various workshops and training sessions on innovation.


Mental ideas map at Som-Inn Port

Creativity workshop at Som-Inn Port


On October 3rd, during the second meeting of the Som-Inn Port Agora, the innovation agents from the different member entities were incorporated into the innovation cells that they were most interested in, based on the innovation challenge that each of them wishes to solve. In the first Design Thinking workshop on October 10th the creativity and conceptualisation phase was initiated.

This phase of the Design Thinking process began right after two previous sessions aimed at identifying target users of the Port, as well as empathising with them in order to discover and prioritise their most latent needs and solve them creatively via Som-Inn Port.

In less than 3 hours of workshop activity aimed at creativity, 6 innovation cells came up with over 300 ideas to resolve the 5 currently active innovation challenges. In order to come up with truly creative ideas, in this process the teams have used 7 creativity techniques, and have then combined ideas from different fields that were initially difficult to combine, in order to avoid creating proposals that are too logical and, therefore, lacking in innovation.

Creativity workshop at Som-Inn Port

Next steps at Som-Inn Port: developing the ideas

In the next workshop, to be held on October 23rd, the innovation agents will move on to develop those ideas that add more value to the end users of each challenge.

In this way Som-Inn Port continues to make progress in its innovation cycle.


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