SOM-INN port attends the entrepreneurial networking event “Fem bullir l’olla”

On December 2nd, SOM-INN PORT attended the entrepreneurial networking event "Fem bullir l’olla", organized by the Entrepreneurship and Local Development…

SOM-INN PORT at SCEWC and Smart Ports 2024

This week, on 5, 6 and 7 November, the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) and Smart Ports: Piers of…

The Innovation Strategy of the Port of Tarragona is presented in “Innovation Fridays” of the AEC

On 27 September, the Port Authority of Tarragona presented the Port's current Innovation strategy during the "Innovation Fridays" session  organised…
Foto reunió Cònsol Regne Unit

Som-Inn Port presents itself to the Consul of the United Kingdom

SOM-INN PORT met with Lloyd Milen, Consul General of the United Kingdom, and Patrick Jodar, Trade & Investment Advisor, on…
SOM-INN PORT al MWC i al 4YFN 2024

SOM-INN PORT at MWC and 4YFN 2024

Once again this year, SOM-INN PORT has participated in these two congresses, considered to be some of the most important…
ports 4.0

SOM-INN PORT encourages you to participate in the new call Ports 4.0 for Ideas and Commercial Projects

If you have an idea or commercial project proposal that has a specific application for the logistics-port sector, in order…

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